The passage of the improved Taxpayer First Act is an important victory for working-class families across the nation who deserve quality, accessible and free options for painlessly filing their taxes. For far too long, powerful corporate special interests have cut deals that hurt taxpayers and benefit their bottom line. This legislation disrupts that corrupt system and creates real options for families to file their taxes for free.
After years of dedicated organizing across the country, the U.S. House of Representatives has taken long overdue action to protect 2.5 million immigrants who call this nation home. The passage of the American Dream and Promise Act – the most progressive immigration bill to ever pass Congress – is a powerful recognition of the millions of Dreamers and TPS and DED recipients who have built their lives here and are American in every way except on paper.
The Sprint/T-Mobile merger remains a bad deal for American consumers. It will cost jobs, drive down wages, and hike prices for working families – disproportionately impacting low-income people and communities of color. The cosmetic changes offered by the companies do little to address our underlying concerns about the impact of this deal on workers and consumers, including the tens of millions of rural Americans who will be locked out of reliable high-speed wireless service.
We strongly oppose the new rule from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services that singles out home health workers to deny them their fundamental right to support their union and collectively bargain for retirement and health care benefits. Make no mistake: this is a direct attack on home health workers – disproportionately low-income and minority women – who do the heroic work of caring for seniors and people with disabilities in their own homes.
President Trump should heed the constitution and refrain from promoting regime change in another sovereign country. Additionally, it is clearer than ever that Congress must do its job to prevent this administration from engaging in illegal, ill-advised and open-ended wars.