Washington, D.C. – Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) and Congressman Mark Pocan (WI-02) released the following statement celebrating the passage of the MORE Act:

“It is a historic day for Congress and the nation. After decades of the failed, racist War on Drugs, Congress has finally voted to legalize marijuana at the federal level and end the senseless policy of prohibition that has destroyed so many lives.

“Passage of the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment & Expungement (MORE) Act is critical to beginning to repair the damage caused by decades of prohibition and criminalization. While this bill cannot turn back the clock or heal the pain caused by these racist policies, it is an important step for racial justice and begins the work of building a safe and equitable industry. Moving forward, we must also direct dedicated federal resources to reinvest in the communities hollowed out by the War on Drugs and give people the opportunity and resources they need to rebuild their lives. Already, 31 states and D.C. have either legalized or decriminalized recreational marijuana use – including four new states in 2020 alone. With today’s vote, Congress is sending a message loud and clear that the days of marijuana prohibition are numbered.”


Washington, D.C. – This week, the leaders of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), and the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi on the urgent need for the issuance of at least $2 trillion in Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to provide direct economic support to the developing world. The letter urged Speaker Pelosi to support these provisions in any year-end legislation expected to be enacted into law, including a domestic COVID relief package, year-end Appropriations deal or the conference report for the annual National Defense Authorization Act.

“More countries are experiencing economic recessions than ever recorded since 1870. There is no telling when the pandemic that is driving this unprecedented world recession will be over. These grim circumstances mean that millions of people could die, not only from COVID-19 itself, but from the pandemic’s impact on the world economy—and most of these lives could be saved,” the letter from CPC Co-Chairs Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) and Congressman Mark Pocan (WI-02), CBC Chair Congressmember Karen Bass (CA-37), CHC Chair Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20), and CAPAC Chair Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-27) notes. “SDRs and debt relief will not only prevent needless poverty, hunger, death, and disease abroad, but strengthen our economy at home, creating jobs by increasing demand for America’s agriculture industry and U.S. exporters. SDRs would allow private businesses in developing countries to quickly acquire U.S. dollars in order to buy U.S. exports.”

“SDRs, the IMF’s internal currency, would be distributed for free to low-income countries, which would then be available to be exchanged for hard currency such as U.S. dollars. This would help many countries avoid balance-of-payments crises, debt crises, and critical shortages of imports, such as food, medicine, and medical equipment,” continues the letter. “In countries already suffering from economic downturns, it would help them—and the world economy—recover more quickly. House Democrats’ support for this issuance is consistent with what the Fund’s leadership has itself proposed, and with the wishes of nearly all of the IMF’s 189 member countries.”

In addition to the broad support from the House Democratic Caucus and IMF member countries, the issuance of SDRs is broadly supported by NGOs and advocacy organizations dedicated to civil society and international economic development.

“As the pandemic continues to wreak havoc in Latin America, South Asia and Africa, we need a global response to the global economic crisis,” said Didier Jacobs, the Senior Policy Advisor for Oxfam America. “A major allocation of Special Drawing Rights by the IMF is a critical complement to more debt relief and more aid.”

“The unanimous support from the Democratic Party for the Special Drawing Rights legislation, which would enable trillions of dollars in relief from the International Monetary Fund, creates a unique opportunity,” noted Sarah Margon, the Foreign Policy Director for the Open Society Policy Center. “If passed, this measure would not only benefit millions of people around the world who have been impacted by COVID and the economic crisis, but would do so without costing Americans a dime.”

"A major allocation of IMF Special Drawing Rights can jump start the global economy and help save millions of lives, without costing US taxpayers anything,” said Alex Main, the Director of International Policy for the Center for Economic and Policy Research. “It’s heartening to see such strong Congressional support for this measure at a time when it is so critically needed, not just for developing countries but for the U.S. economy, which stands to benefit from an SDR-fueled surge in global demand."

“We applaud the leadership of Chairs Jayapal, Pocan, Castro, Bass, and Chu for bringing together the diverse Democratic caucuses around this initiative to save millions of lives abroad and strengthen the economy here at home, recognizing that this opportunity to provide costless global pandemic relief is a racial-justice imperative,” said David Segal, the Executive Director of Demand Progress. “We urge House Democrats to insist on the inclusion of SDRs in any bill that will be enacted by the end of the year to protect the world's poor from unimaginable suffering.”

“I am delighted to see this letter to Speaker Pelosi,” noted Mark Harrison, the Peace with Justice Program Director for the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society. “IMF debt relief and emergency financial resources are an innovative and noncontroversial solution. This will help countries prevent the spread of COVID and resulting hunger ? without costing U.S. taxpayers a single penny.”

“While the G20 have been able to stimulate their economies during this unprecedented crisis, poor countries don’t have this possibility,” said Michael Sheldrick, the Chief Policy Officer for Global Citizen. “Many of them are crushed by debt on top of dealing with COVID. Now is the time for a new issue of IMF special drawing rights to assist poorer nations respond to the crisis.“

“Fiscal crises in developing countries threaten an even more severe global economic collapse than we have seen so far this year, which would then cause further unemployment and suffering for millions of American workers,” said Tobita Chow, the Director of Justice Is Global, a project of People's Action / People's Action Institute. “To support the wellbeing of billions of people in developing countries with SDRs and debt relief is to protect the American people as well. To do otherwise is not only cruel and racist but also self-destructive.”

“This coronavirus pandemic has caused a global health and economic crisis that is affecting millions of people around the word,” added Hassan El-Tayyab, Legislative Manager for Middle East Policy, Friends Committee on National Legislation. “Through the IMF, the U.S. has the power to assist with the coordinated international response and provide countries the economic and humanitarian relief they need to survive this pandemic. It's critical Congress and the Administration support calling for the issuance of special drawing rights in the FY2021 National Defense Authorization Act.”

“The U.S. Congress must show compassion and help save lives globally at $0 cost to the U.S. taxpayers. The issuance of special drawing rights at the IMF will help countries globally to protect their people from COVID-19, hunger, and economic devastation,” said Dr. Pauline Muchina, Policy, Education and Advocacy Coordinator for Africa, American Friends Service Committee. “Like many globally, African countries need these resources to survive COVID-19 and its economic downturn. It is our moral obligation to show compassion and save lives.”

“Now more than ever, debt means death. Maryknoll missioners see this in poor countries like Kenya and Ecuador where governments spend more on servicing debt than on health care. As the coronavirus hits, people fear unemployment and hunger as much as getting sick. If we don’t do what we can to shore up the global economy, we could see millions of people around the world destitute and dying,” said Susan Gunn, the Director of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns. “We will all suffer because our economies are connected and this virus knows no borders. The House legislation, and its companion in the Senate, the Support for Global Financial Institution Pandemic Response Act, recognize these facts and that Special Drawing Rights were created for this kind of emergency. Just as the United States supported the IMF allocating SDRs in the financial crisis in 2009, it should support it now.”

The full letter to Speaker Pelosi is available here.


Washington, D.C. – The Co-Chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) and Congressman Mark Pocan (WI-02), released the following statement on the nomination of Alejandro Mayorkas to serve as the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS):

“Alejandro Mayorkas is a strong choice to serve as the next DHS Secretary and begin to repair the damage of four years of abuse and cruelty under the Trump Administration. In particular, his impressive record at USCIS – including implementing the DACA program – will be essential to reforming this broken agency and ensuring that the U.S. government treats immigrants and refugees with dignity and respect.

“There is a great deal of work to be done, but Alejandro Mayorkas’s nomination is another promising sign that the Biden-Harris Administration intends to bring much-needed urgency and vision to fixing our inhumane immigration system and ending the egregious human rights abuses of the Trump era.”


Washington, D.C. – The Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs, Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) and Congressman Mark Pocan (WI-02), released the following statement on the announced withdrawal of 2,500 troops from Afghanistan by January 2020:

“It’s long past time for the United States to end the war in Afghanistan and bring our troops home. This is the longest war in American history – and despite the enormous loss of life and rising costs to taxpayers, it’s clear that there is no military solution to this conflict.

“We think the decision to withdraw 2500 troops from Afghanistan is an important step to drawing down our military presence in the region. But President Trump has repeatedly failed to prioritize or invest in the diplomatic efforts necessary to build a sustainable peace. Worse, the Trump Administration has doubled-down on our forever wars, including providing U.S. military equipment for the Saudi-led war in Yemen. Rather than untangling us from military quagmires, President Trump has deepened U.S. involvement in conflicts around the globe.

“The war in Afghanistan must end – and a piecemeal approach is insufficient. Democrats in Congress must work with the Biden Administration to build a comprehensive plan to end our war in Afghanistan and our other forever wars around the world, reinvest in diplomacy and human-centered development, and facilitate lasting peace in the region. And Congress too must act by ending the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force, which has served as a blank check for war for far too long.”

This past July, 126 Democrats, one Independent and two Republicans voted to support CPC Whip Ilhan Omar’s amendment to begin the responsible withdrawal of American service members deployed in Afghanistan.


Washington, D.C. – Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) and Congressman Mark Pocan (WI-02) released the following statement on recent guidance from the Centers for Disease Control undermining the eviction moratorium amid a flurry of right-wing lawsuits attacking the executive order:

“House Democrats have repeatedly taken action to protect renters and prevent a mass eviction crisis – including in the CARES Act and in the HEROES Act, which has now passed the House twice. However, instead of coming to the table to help us avert this crisis, President Trump has repeatedly undermined negotiations and ignored the plight of millions.

“It’s more clear than ever that the Trump Administration’s executive order on evictions was nothing more than a politically-motivated stunt that failed to help or protect struggling families. Last week’s guidance from the CDC gives a green light to landlords to deceive, intimidate, and harass renters. According to the Administration’s own fact sheet, landlords aren’t even required to inform residents of the current eviction moratorium.

“Come January, 40 million Americans will be in danger of eviction. But instead of protecting families in the midst of a pandemic, the Trump Administration has declared open season on families facing eviction, allowing landlords to start eviction proceedings months before the eviction moratorium expires. Working people need real help – but the Trump Administration has shown no empathy for the millions living on the brink of financial catastrophe. If President Trump is serious about preventing mass evictions, we have real solutions ready to help renters get back on their feet.”


Washington, D.C. – Today, the Co-Chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) and Congressman Mark Pocan (WI-02), announced the Progressive Caucus’s endorsement of H.Res. 1102, Congresswoman Deb Haaland’s THRIVE (Transform, Heal, and Renew by Investing in a Vibrant Economy) Act. The THRIVE Act, which was also introduced by Senator Ed Markey, is a first-of-its-kind roadmap to address the overlapping crises of mass unemployment, COVID-19, and climate change.

“We are in an unprecedented moment of crisis right now,” said CPC Co-Chairs Mark Pocan and Pramila Jayapal. “Faced with the twin disasters of the pandemic and climate change – and the devastating impact of these emergencies on our economy – we need bold, transformative solutions to meet this moment and ensure our policies allow every person to live with physical and financial security. But in order to be effective, our urgency must be matched by robust organizing and the inclusion of vulnerable and underrepresented communities who are living on the frontlines of this crisis. The THRIVE Act creates a visionary and comprehensive framework to address these crises and ensure our collective action benefits all our communities. We are thrilled to endorse this bill and look forward to collaborating with Congresswoman Haaland to turn this vision into a reality.”

"Every person in this country should have access to opportunity, but tens of millions of our neighbors, family, and friends are unemployed and our country is facing the interlocking crises of a global pandemic, economic downturn, and climate crisis. Growing up, I learned that we must support each other in times of need from my grandparents and family, so that everyone thrives together. As we face these crises, it is more important than ever that we take bold action to renew our economy and deliver justice in the process. I’m incredibly grateful to have the CPC endorsement for the THRIVE agenda, which I worked on with Senator Markey and a coalition of grassroots organizations and labor groups, so that we are better positioned to lay the groundwork to create millions of good paying, green jobs and address environmental injustice," said Congresswoman Deb Haaland.

More information on the THRIVE Act is available here. Click here to read the text of the legislation.


Washington. D.C. – Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) Co-Chairs Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) and Congressman Mark Pocan (WI-02) released the following statement announcing the official CPC endorsement of Congressman Ted Lieu's (CA-33) Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution, which would enable the U.S. House of Representatives to enforce subpoenas:

“We are pleased to endorse Congressman Lieu’s Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution. Over the last four years, Congress’s constitutional role in conducting oversight of the executive branch has been repeatedly undermined by an intransigent and lawless administration. It’s clear that Congress needs to modernize our contempt powers to ensure that we can effectively enforce subpoenas and ensure accountability for the American people. We urge Speaker Pelosi to take up this critical legislation to empower Congress and protect our democratic system of checks and balances.”

The full text of the Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution is available here.


Washington, D.C. – Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Congressman Mark Pocan (WI-02) and Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) released the following statement on the Trump Administration’s effort to trigger the JCPOA snapback mechanism at the United Nations:

“By attempting to trigger the Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action (JCPOA) ‘snapback’ mechanism, the Trump Administration doubled down on an erratic, antagonistic, and dangerous approach to foreign policy. The years-long sabotage of the Iran Deal has made our nation less safe and left us further alienated from our allies and friends. Indeed, the Trump Administration’s attempts to trigger the JCPOA snapback mechanism – a move which it has no standing to do after unilaterally pulling out of the deal – was rejected by all other parties to the JCPOA and the majority of the United Nations Security Council. The attempted sabotage of the JCPOA at the United Nations this week only undermines any remaining chance of diplomacy and further escalates tensions with Iran.

“The best path to permanent peace requires re-entering the Iran Deal and re-engaging on the international stage. We strongly oppose any efforts to further undermine the Iran Deal and reject the belligerent, antagonistic foreign policy of the Trump Administration.”

Washington, D.C. – Today, the Congressional Progressive Caucus held a virtual ad hoc hearing to investigate the Trump Administration’s efforts to sabotage U.S. Postal Service (USPS) operations. The Progressive Caucus heard testimony from David Williams, the former USPS Inspector General and former Vice Chair of the USPS Board of Governors, Mark Dimondstein, the President of the American Postal Workers Union, Rosemary Enobakhare, the Campaign Director at Health Care Voter, and Tammy Patrick, Senior Advisor to the Elections Program at Democracy Fund Voice.

In the hearing, David Williams revealed new, detailed information regarding the appointment of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and the unprecedented role that Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin has played in USPS operations. 

Significantly, David Williams noted that Secretary Mnuchin sought intrusive control over core USPS operations that the USPS itself deemed to be illegal. Mnuchin also sought to impose a pricing practice that “would be ruinous for the Postal Service” and significantly impair its ability to compete in the package delivery market. He also alleged that DeJoy’s name was put forward by Republican board member John M. Barger, and that the hiring process was rigged for DeJoy, noting that he was coached during the interview process and that no background check was conducted before his hiring. Williams also noted that at the time of his departure this spring, the U.S. Postal Service had full confidence in their ability to facilitate vote by mail in this election. Now, just months later, USPS has informed 46 states and the District of Columbia that ballots cast through the mail may not arrive in time to be counted.  

“If this is the beginning of what the president promised, it is the end of the postal service,” David Williams warned members of the Progressive Caucus during his testimony.

“The explosive allegations we heard today from David Williams, the former Vice Chair of the Board of Governors at the Postal Service, merit serious investigation by Congress,” said CPC Hearing Co-Chairs Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Mark Pocan (WI-02) and Jamie Raskin (MD-08). “It appears that the Trump Administration, led by Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin and Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, has directed a corrupt, long-running sabotage of the U.S. Postal Service and threatened the reliable delivery of the mail and packages. As we heard from our witnesses today, the right-wing weaponization of the Postal Service has far-reaching implications for public health and is an attack on our very democracy. Congress must act swiftly to investigate these allegations and ensure that our postal system remains an affordable, reliable public good free from the political attacks that want to destroy it.”

Text of the witnesses’ opening remarks is available here.

Watch the full hearing here.

Washington, D.C. – The Congressional Progressive Caucus will hold an ad-hoc hearing this Thursday, August 20th at 4pm EDT to investigate the efforts by the Trump Administration to sabotage the operation of the United States Postal Service (USPS) ahead of November’s election. The hearing, which will be chaired by Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Mark Pocan (WI-02) and Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) will feature expert testimony on U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s recent actions to hinder the reliable delivery of mail.


Congressional Progressive Caucus Ad-Hoc Hearing on Trump Administration Efforts to Sabotage USPS Operations


CPC Co-Chair Congressman Mark Pocan (WI-02)

CPC Co-Chair Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA-07)

Members of the Progressive Caucus

Expert Witnesses


Thursday, August 20th at 4pm EDT


The hearing will be available to watch on the CPC Facebook page.