Progressive Caucus Accepting Organizational Submissions for the 2017 People's Budget
January 28, 2016
Washington, DC – The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) is accepting organizational submissions to their 2017 People’s Budget. The CPC alternative budget is an opportunity to provide the American public with a progressive budget vision. Opening the CPC Budget Request Process to include input from progressive organizations allows for increased dialogue regarding priorities reflected in the CPC Budget.
Congress must work to expand economic opportunity for all and pass a budget, which invests in the American people and closes the opportunity gap. Despite their skills and work ethic, most American workers and families earn less and less as corporations and the wealthy continue amassing record profits. It has become clear that the system is rigged. The CPC budget reverses the damage budget austerity has inflicted on hard working families and fixes a system that for far too long has only benefited those at the top.
The CPC’s most recent alternative budget, The People’s Budget, received votes from over half of the Democratic Caucus. The CPC alternative budget aims to unite Congress, the American people, and the progressive community to rebuild the middle class and invest in our future.
The deadline to make suggestions to the CPC FY 2017 alternative budget is February 5th and can be submitted by organizations here.