WASHINGTON — Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) and Ranking Member of the Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement Subcommittee, issued the following statement in support of today’s announcement by the Biden Administration to expand healthcare access under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to participants in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program which was among CPC’s asks for executive action on immigration:

“I want to thank and applaud President Biden and Secretary Becerra for today’s announcement that allows DACA recipients to access health care and enhances coverage for other groups, including those approved for Special Immigrant Juvenile (SIJ) status and children applying for humanitarian relief.  

“In November, I led 85 of my colleagues in urging the administration to finalize this rule.  As we noted, expanding health care coverage for these populations is vital. DACA recipients are disproportionately people of color and tend to experience higher barriers to health care. Youths approved for SIJ status often have to wait years before receiving a status adjustment. Today’s long-overdue announcement could help as many as 100,000 uninsured people finally gain coverage.

“Health care is a human right, and DACA recipients deserve access to that care just like everyone else. This was a major priority in the CPC’s Executive Action Agenda and we’re grateful to the President and his administration for ensuring that all people can access health coverage. I’m also proud to sponsor the Health Equity and Access under the Law for Immigrant Families (HEAL) Act with Representative Nanette Barragán which would codify this policy and eliminate barriers to health care for immigrants. I look forward to continuing to work with the Administration to expand access to health care.”

WASHINGTON — Representatives Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Ilhan Omar (MN-05), and Greg Casar (TX-35), the chair, deputy chair and whip, respectively, of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, issued the following statement after a Progressive Caucus meeting today with White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan:

“We thank National Security Advisor Sullivan for joining our weekly meeting today and engaging with our members in a thoughtful and productive discussion on current U.S. policy in the Middle East. We were grateful to hear updates on pressing issues of significant and longstanding interest to our caucus. We also appreciate his willingness to take members’ concerns seriously, answer questions, consider members’ recommendations, and to convey our views to his colleagues. 

“We appreciate the responsiveness shown by the White House with today’s meeting as a valuable step in sustained exchange on Middle East issues. Progressives were proud to play an essential role as partners in realizing much of the President’s domestic agenda, and we look forward to continued engagement to chart a path forward for the region based on our shared values of prioritizing diplomacy, peace, international law, and resolving urgent humanitarian needs.” 

WASHINGTON — Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, issued the following statement celebrating the Biden Administration’s two finalized rules that significantly expand the number of salaried workers eligible for overtime pay and ban companies from using nearly all forms of noncompete clauses that prevent employees from seeking opportunities at other firms: 

“I applaud President Biden for his laser focus on ensuring his Administration does everything possible to put real money in people’s pockets, reward work and help everyday Americans to deal with the many challenges that face them. Today is a major milestone in the fight for economic justice and workers’ rights, with the Biden Administration finalizing two historic initiatives on the same day to increase workers’ wages, bargaining power, and workplace rights.  Both of these initiatives were priorities for the Congressional Progressive Caucus on our executive action agenda and we have worked closely with the Administration to push them forward.

“Under the leadership of Acting Secretary Julie Su, the Department of Labor is expanding the right to overtime pay to over 4 million more salaried workers, who are often forced to work overtime of 60-70 hours a week with no additional pay outside their normal salary. This finalized overtime rule is the largest expansion in federal overtime eligibility in decades and will make profitable businesses pay an additional $1.5 billion annually to their workers. Starting July 1st, millions more employees will get time-and-a-half pay for work beyond 40 hours a week, ending workplace exploitation, increasing workers’ pay and free time, and spurring more job hiring.  While we know this is not everything the Progressive Caucus called for, we believe it is a huge step forward and we will continue to push for the full expansion for the next round.

“In addition, under the bold vision of Chair Lina Khan, the Federal Trade Commission issued a final rule declaring nearly all noncompete clauses unfair methods of competition, providing relief to more than one in five workers—30 million Americans—burdened with these conditions on their employment. The average worker will increase their pay by an additional $524 per year thanks to this rule.

“From the beginning of the new Congress, the Progressive Caucus charted out a vision for delivering for working people in the face of divided government through our Executive Action Agenda. House progressives are proud to partner with the Biden Administration to make good on Democrats’ commitments to providing working families with the dignity they deserve through finalizing these major priorities for executive action in a timely way. We applaud President Biden and his Administration for working to rebuild our economy from the bottom up. We must codify these decisions in law and build on them. We stand ready to defend these historic achievements and fight back against Republican attacks in Congress and rightwing challenges in the courts to deprive working people of the rights they deserve.” 

WASHINGTON — The Congressional Progressive Caucus released its Progressive Proposition Agenda, a vision for Congress to meet everyday Americans’ urgent needs and rebuild the American dream for the poor, working, and middle class. 

The document presents a comprehensive domestic policy legislative agenda that includes proactive, top-priority policies that lift up poor and working people. Endorsed by Caucus members and numerous progressive movement groups, the agenda focuses on raising wages and lowering costs; correcting the inequality in our economic, education, political systems; continuing progress on the climate crisis; and protecting and expanding Americans’ rights and freedoms. 

The policies are organized into seven areas of focus: lowering the cost of living, boosting wages and worker power, advancing justice, protecting our planet and people, making our democracy work, breaking corporations’ hold on our economy, and providing world-class public education. It includes legislative policy proposals that Democrats can pass with congressional majorities that will deliver immediate, tangible results for everyday Americans as well as rebuild systems that have held communities back for too long. 

“Progressives are proud to have been part of the most significant Democratic legislative accomplishments of this century. We have made real progress for everyday Americans — but there’s much more work to be done,” said Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. “That’s why the Progressive Caucus has identified these popular, populist, and possible solutions. With the Progressive Proposition Agenda, Democrats in Congress can meet the urgent needs people are facing, rewrite the rules to ensure majorities of this country are no longer barred from the American promise of equality, justice, and economic opportunity, and motivate people with a vision of progressive governance under Democratic majorities in the House and Senate and a Democratic White House.”

The agenda is endorsed by: Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, Bend the Arc: Jewish Action, Center for Biological Diversity, Center for Economic and Policy Research, Center for Popular Democracy, Demand Progress, Family Values @ Work, the Green New Deal Network, Indivisible, MoveOn, National Education Association, National Employment Law Project, National Immigrant Justice Center, National Nurses United, Native Organizers Alliance, Our Revolution, P Street, People's Action, PolicyLink, Public Citizen, Public Money Action, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Sierra Club, Social Security Works, Sunrise Movement, Take on Wall Street, United We Dream, and Working Families Party.

Endorsing organizations offered the following statements on the agenda:

“House progressives were the engine at the heart of our legislative accomplishments in 2021 and 2022,” said Mary Small, Chief Strategy Officer at Indivisible. “They’ve continued that momentum to be true governing partners to the Biden Administration as those laws and programs are implemented. That’s why Indivisible is so supportive of the CPC’s Proposition Agenda, a bold vision for progressive governance in 2025 and beyond. From reproductive rights, to saving our democracy, to economic security for all, the CPC is driving forward exactly the sort of legislative goals we want to see in our next governing moment.”

MoveOn applauds the Progressive Caucus for developing a bold, visionary policy agenda that will lower costs for workers and families and level the playing field for the working class, protect our freedoms and our planet, and defend our democracy,” said Rahna Epting, MoveOn Executive Director. “This blueprint shows what is possible if we lead with people-first policies and what we can do to make the lives of all Americans better if we empower progressives in Congress in 2025.”

“We’re excited to organize alongside the Congressional Progressive Caucus to win this bold agenda that puts the interests of poor and working people above those of greedy corporations and the ultra-rich,” said Sulma Arias, Executive Director of People’s Action. “By organizing to win policies and investments that curb corporate power and greedflation while investing in our people and our planet, we will build a strong multi-racial coalition that will defeat authoritarianism.”

"The Congressional Progressive Caucus is leading the way for Congress to address the major issues affecting working families, from reducing health care and housing costs to strengthening workers' rights to join unions, earn living wages and benefits, and have safe workplaces,” said Mary Kay Henry, President of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). “SEIU is proud to partner with the CPC to move these priorities forward and build a more equitable economy in which corporations are held accountable for their actions." 

"A House Democratic majority in 2025 would present a critical opportunity to advance key climate priorities, including building on the progress of the Inflation Reduction Act to deploy more clean energy and ending subsidies to the fossil fuel industry," said Sierra Club Beyond Fossil Fuels Policy Director Mahyar Sorour. "We applaud the Congressional Progressive Caucus's leadership on climate action and environmental justice and look forward to continuing to work in partnership to move these priorities forward."

"Social Security Works is proud to endorse the Congressional Progressive Caucus agenda for 2025, which includes expanding Social Security and paying for it by requiring the ultra-wealthy to contribute their fair share,” said Alex Lawson, Executive Director of Social Security Works. This agenda would also improve Medicare by adding dental, vision, and hearing and lowering the Medicare eligibility age. Furthermore, it would expand Medicare's negotiating power to include all prescription drugs, and establish a government office to publically manufacture generic drugs. All of these ideas are massively popular with the American people.”

"This agenda is a clear road map to an America that works for all of us, not just the wealthy or well connected,” said Maurice Mitchell, Working Families Party National Director. “By raising wages, guaranteeing paid family leave, and lowering the cost of health care and housing, we can strengthen economic security for millions of working families. Now it's time to put in the work and organize to make this vision a reality."   

The Progressive Proposition Agenda can be read here and a full, detailed list of the included policies can be read here.

WASHINGTON — Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) released the following statement after the Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act, legislation to reauthorize Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), passed the House of Representatives.

“Today is a sad day, where the Congress failed to prioritize Americans’ right to privacy and stop warrantless surveillance from intelligence agencies. The Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act that GOP leadership put on the floor today does not meaningfully protect our constituents’ constitutional rights.  

“The CPC has had a longstanding position that we must reform Section 702 in order to prevent warrantless surveillance of Americans. Along with House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jerry Nadler (NY-12) and Rep. Zoe Lofgren (CA-18), we worked in a bipartisan way to craft a bill that did exactly this. That bill included critical reforms, including the simple requirement to obtain a warrant to surveil Americans, and passed the Judiciary committee with a 35-2 vote. 

“GOP leadership, along with intelligence community leaders on both sides of the aisle, worked hard to prevent the bill from coming to the floor. Despite that, a bipartisan coalition was able to ensure that we vote on the critical bipartisan amendment I introduced with Reps. Biggs (R-AZ), Nadler (D-NY), Davidson (R-OH), Lofgren (D-CA), and Jordan (R-OH) to require federal agencies to obtain a warrant before searching Americans’ private communications in the Section 702 database. The CPC also took a formal position to endorse the amendment, which requires two-thirds support from the membership. Very unfortunately, that amendment failed by a tie vote of 212-212.

“Since FISA was enacted, government agencies have consistently misused Section 702. In 2022 alone, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) used this authority more than 200,000 times to search Americans’ data without a warrant. Section 702 has been used to warrantlessly search the private communications of racial justice protestors, political activists, a state court judge who reported civil rights violations by a local police chief, immigrants, people of ‘Middle Eastern descent,’ and even sitting members of Congress. These warrantless searches violate Americans’ civil rights, civil liberties, and their Fourth Amendment right to privacy. 

“I am incredibly proud of every member, Democratic and Republican, who stood up to the pressure and misinformation surrounding my bipartisan amendment. This tied vote was the closest we have ever come to ensuring the protection of privacy rights of all Americans — and that fight will continue.”

WASHINGTON — Following a survey of its members, the Congressional Progressive Caucus announced the CPC’s support of the bipartisan amendment to ban warrantless surveillance of Americans’ communications in legislation reauthorizing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) as its formal position.

In accordance with Caucus bylaws, this was adopted after a vote of the membership, with more than two-thirds voting in favor of taking a formal position to support the warrant amendment.

Although FISA is intended to authorize federal agencies to gather information from foreigners’ communications, the government admits it is using the law to search Americans' private communications — including internet activity, phone records, and texts — without a warrant. The bipartisan amendment, introduced by Reps. Biggs (R-AZ), Jayapal (D-WA), Nadler (D-NY), Davidson (R-OH), Lofgren (D-CA), and Jordan (R-OH), would target this abuse and require federal agencies to obtain a warrant before searching U.S. persons’ communications in the Section 702 database. With exceptions for the most pressing cases, this amendment would codify essential protections for Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights. 

In 2022 alone, the FBI exploited Section 702 more than 200,000 times to search for Americans' data, circumventing the Fourth Amendment and betraying public trust. These searches unjustly targeted individuals, including Members of Congress, 141 Black Lives Matter protesters, 19,000 donors to a congressional campaign, a local political party, tens of thousands of people involved in “civil unrest,” visitors to FBI offices, and individuals based solely on their race. The House has voted multiple times to end this practice of performing backdoor searches on Americans with strong bipartisan support. Requiring the government to obtain a warrant before searching Section 702 data for Americans’ communications is supported by 76 percent of Americans.

Last year, the CPC endorsed Rep. Lofgren’s Government Reform and Surveillance Act (H.R. 6262), which would dramatically curb abuse and protect Americans’ civil liberties.

WASHINGTON — Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, issued the following statement on a set of new initiatives announced today that build on the Biden administration’s efforts to cancel student debt:

“I applaud this historic set of rules that will cancel student debt for millions of Americans and promise to bring the total number of borrowers who’ve received relief from this administration up to more than 30 million. The proposals announced today target borrowers who have been financially burdened by their student loans and people who have been carrying this debt for decades, eliminating accrued interest for 23 million borrowers and providing 10 million with $5,000 or more in debt relief. Four million borrowers will see their student debt completely canceled.

“When the Supreme Court struck down the President’s plan for nationwide, universal student debt relief, borrowers, activists, and progressives in Congress organized for a new plan from the Biden administration. In the aftermath of that decision, we stressed the urgency of finding other avenues to provide this desperately needed relief. I am thrilled President Biden and his administration continue to meet the moment and use his existing statutory authority to cancel student debt. This plan advances economic justice, delivering for the 40 percent of borrowers who didn’t finish their degree, the majority of borrowers who have no household wealth, and people of color.  

“Progressives were the earliest and loudest champions of student debt cancellation, and this President is delivering — despite Republican obstruction. We are proud to continue our partnership with the Biden administration on its implementation of this and other pathways to cancellation.”

The new proposed rule is responsive to asks made by Chair Jayapal, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Representative Ayanna Pressley (MA-07), CPC Deputy Chair Ilhan Omar (MN-05), and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in a January 2024 letter and builds on the tireless advocacy of CPC members including Representatives Maxine Waters (CA-43) and Alma Adams (NC-12). 

They include proposed rules to: 

  • Automatically cancel up to $20,000 of interest on loans for individuals making less than $120,000 per year who are enrolled in affordability programs like the SAVE Program or the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program, enrollment in which will speed the delivery of relief;

  • Cancel debt for borrowers who've been enrolled in repayment for 20 years for undergraduate loans and 25 for graduate school loans; 

  • Cancel debt for borrowers who took out loans for programs that have yielded low financial reward; and,

  • Cancel debt for borrowers who have or will experience financial hardship as a result of their student debt.

WASHINGTON — Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, issued the following statement applauding the Federal Communications Commission’s vote to end Trump-era attacks on net neutrality and reestablish open internet protections:

“I am thrilled to see Chair Rosenworcel and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will use their power to undo the harm caused by the Trump administration and reinstate the 2015 Open Internet Order.

“That 2015 order enshrined the policy of ‘net neutrality’ into law and prevented large corporate internet service providers from throttling internet speeds, favoring or blocking certain types of online content, or engaging in other types of anti-competitive behavior. The Trump-era decision to overturn those protections left online consumers at the mercy of special and corporate interests and allowed wealthy corporations to consolidate power. In the years since, internet companies have rigged access to what has become a fundamental public utility with pay-to-play schemes.

“The reestablishment net neutrality fulfills long standing progressive policy objectives, including in our CPC Executive Action Agenda. Americans have a right to a free, open internet. They have a right to net neutrality. Those rights will finally be restored.”

The Congressional Progressive Caucus was one of the first voices to call for Title II reclassification and strong enforceable net neutrality protections in 2014. The passage of the 2015 Save the Net Act was the culmination of a years-long Congressional campaign spearheaded by the Progressive Caucus in solidarity with activists, organizers, innovators, small business owners, and everyday families.

WASHINGTON — Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, issued the following statement in response to CPC Chair Emeritus Representative Raúl Grijalva (AZ-07)’s announcement of his cancer diagnosis:

“My heart goes out to Representative Grijalva, his family, loved ones, and staff as they process the difficult news of the Congressman’s cancer diagnosis. As a Chair Emeritus of the CPC, Rep. Grijalva is an invaluable part of our Caucus and a cherished member of the progressive movement family. He has been instrumental in advancing environmental justice, including to ensure that frontline communities receive the support they deserve, and immigrant justice, never failing to stand up for the humanity and dignity of immigrant communities in his border state of Arizona. I know the entire Progressive Caucus membership joins me in sending our best wishes for health and healing to Rep. Grijalva as he and his family navigate treatment.”

WASHINGTON — Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, issued the following statement on letters from the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC), and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), collectively known as the Tri-Caucus, to corporations on their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) commitments:

“Across the country, workplace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) positions and departments created in the wake of the summer 2020 uprising for racial justice are being rolled back and defunded. At this time, our Tri-Caucus colleagues’ efforts to ensure accountability is more important than ever.

“Progressives are proud to support the Tri-Caucus call for Corporate America to uphold the diversity commitments they made in 2020: to reaffirm the companies’ dedication to those values, articulate their plans for delivering on that commitment, and to work with members of the Tri-Caucus to close the racial wealth gap. For these companies — some of the largest employers and wealth creators in the country — diversity, equity, and inclusion must be more than website buzzwords, recruiting tactics, or public relations maneuvers. People of color contribute to our communities, deliver in our workplaces, and are integral to the success of this economy. We look forward to continuing to partner with our Tri-Caucus colleagues to ensure that that is recognized with results.”