The Progressive Caucus is eager for a strong floor vote raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. We are deeply grateful to the organizers, activists and working people across the country who fought for years to make this vote a reality. It would be a disservice to these families – who put their paychecks on the line to fight for dignity in the workplace – to do anything less than what we've promised: a clean vote to raise the minimum wage, for all workers across the country.
While we support this supplemental, we cannot emphasize sufficiently that these crises were created by the Administration and we have much more to do to truly address the cruel and inhumane treatment of immigrant families by this Administration. We must do far more to address the humanitarian needs at the border and to end the inhumane enforcement practices taken by ICE and CBP.
President Trump's threat of sweeping raids against undocumented immigrants is designed to stoke fear and force families deeper into the shadows. The Trump Administration is doubling-down on dehumanizing and immoral mass deportation policies that make our communities less safe. These raids have one goal – to further traumatize vulnerable families.