We applaud Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Democrats for holding a vote on the Buffett Rule, which requires millionaires and billionaires to pay the same tax rates as middle class families and working people.
After months of delay, we are encouraged that Mr. DeMarco is finally hearing the calls of the American people to write down mortgages for millions of homeowners. Now it is time follow words with action...
Allen West is denigrating the millions of Americans who voted to elect Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) members, and he is ignoring the oath they took to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution–just like he did...
Progressive Caucus Leaders Decry Republican Scheme to Bury Debate of CPC Budget Proposal
March 28, 2012
Grijalva and Ellison call the decision "cheap political posturing and an attempt to sweep the competition under the rug." "Decisions like the nation's budget affect each and every American and should be discussed in the light of day...
Progressive Caucus Releases Complete Budget for All
March 26, 2012
The Congressional Progressive Caucus today released their complete alternative budget, the Budget for All.
Progressive Caucus Announces the Budget for All
March 21, 2012
Today the CPC announced the alternative budget, the Budget for All. The CPC budget calls for a no cuts policy for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security benefits, in stark contrast to the House Republican cuts-only scheme that fails to balance our budget
The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) will hold an emergency meeting tomorrow morning, Wednesday, March 21st, to set its budget priorities in the aftermath of the Republican budget proposal released today.
We are saddened by the news of the passing of our friend and colleague, Congressman Donald Payne. Don was a true servant of the people.
"Underwater homeowners need justice," Grijalva and Ellison said. "Write downs are about keeping families in their homes and saving taxpayers money by preventing foreclosures.
This settlement alone is not enough and should be seen as a down payment on justice for homeowners harmed by illegal bank practices. When Wall Street bankers got bailed out, homeowners got kicked out.