Twenty-four members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) today sent a letter to President Barack Obama laying out their demands that any final budget deal generate significant revenue and avoid cuts to Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid. The letter, unveiled at a press conference earlier this morning, says the middle class "has experienced enough pain during the last three years. Republicans are willing to inflict even more. We will not join them."
The Co-Chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus Peace and Security Taskforce call on Congress and the President to immediately end our war in Libya. The US has been engaged in hostilities for over 90 days without congressional approval, which undermines not only the powers of the legislative branch but also the legal checks and balances put in place nearly 40 years ago to avoid abuse by any single branch of government.

On March 16, 2011, the four Co-Chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus Task Force on Peace and Security and 76 other Members of Congress sent a letter to the President asking him to move swiftly to end America’s longest war, the war in Afghanistan.

Since then, the Co-Chairs have continued to call on the Administration to move towards a significant, swift and sizeable reduction in our troops in Afghanistan, meeting or exceeding the number of troops on the ground before the escalation. Similarly, the Democratic National Committee called for a “sizeable and significant” drawdown beginning in July. This week, the U.S. Conference of Mayors called for an end to the Afghanistan war. In poll after poll, the majority of Americans are consistently calling for an end to this war.

A significant redeployment of U.S. troops from Afghanistan beginning next month would send a clear message that the United States does not seek a permanent presence in Afghanistan. This move would recognize that we cannot afford the war in Afghanistan –costing nearly $10 billion per month – while American families struggle to stay afloat amid the slow recovery of our nation’s economy.

The Co-Chairs of the CPC Task Force on Peace and Security believe that a significant, swift and sizeable troop reduction in Afghanistan is necessary. Anything less hurts our nation’s future and is unacceptable.  It is time to focus on securing a future of economic opportunity and prosperity for the American people, and the President must move swiftly and boldly to end the war in Afghanistan and bring our troops home now.


Today, as Republicans continue to fight for draconian cuts to the fiscal year 2011 federal budget that would cost hundreds of thousands of jobs, the Congressional Progressive Caucus released the following short video to show the American people some of the impacts these cuts would have.