The National Low Income Housing Coalition

Resource Library: Congressional Progressive Caucus Publishes The People’s Budget

The proposed budget would fully fund programs to make housing affordable and accessible for all Americans and would invest $12.8 billion to end family homelessness. The CPC budget aims to eliminate the shortage of affordable homes, which NLIHC’s The Gap: A Shortage of Affordable Homes 2018 report estimates to be at 7.4 million rental units for extremely low income renter households. To do this, the budget proposes to restore and increase housing vouchers, expand investments in the national Housing Trust Fund and other HUD programs, and sustain and rebuild public housing.

The Washington Post

by Katrina vanden Heuvel: The People’s Budget is a road map for reconstruction

While Republican tax cuts larded most of the benefits on the wealthy and provided only weak stimulus to job growth, the CPC’s budget makes jobs the first priority. Even with top-line unemployment down to 4 percent, the percentage of prime-age workers (25-54) with jobs still has not returned to pre-Great Recession levels. That directly hurts wage growth. The People’s Budget argues that at a time when inequality has reached extreme levels and vital public investments are starved for funds, we should create good jobs by focusing on rebuilding infrastructure, one of the many promises President Trump made and abandoned. The CPC budget calls for $2 trillion over 10 years of public investment in clean water systems, public schools, roads and bridges, mass transit and many other critical domestic needs.