For decades, our federal government has shortchanged students and teachers, while pouring seemingly endless amounts of money into militarism. As a result, millions of children attend schools in crumbling classrooms with no heat or air conditioning, teachers are forced to take on second jobs or leave the profession entirely to pay the bills, and college students graduate saddled with decades worth of student debt. Our unequal funding structures have also contributed to the resegregation of public schools and a persistent achievement gap for students of color and low-income students.

At the Progressive Caucus, we recognize that funding education is one of the most critical investments that Congress can make. We support new, forward-looking and comprehensive investments in early learning opportunities, effective 21st century public schools and college free of debt. In addition, Congress must do more to support and fund teachers and education professionals, so they can work with dignity and enable student success. Lastly, we must ensure our commitments to students last through college -- because any student who wants to go to college and get their diploma should be able to graduate without a lifetime of debt.