Washington, D.C. – Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Congressman Mark Pocan (WI-02) and Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), along with Congressman Lloyd Doggett (TX-35), released the following statement on the draft drug pricing proposal from Speaker Pelosi’s office:

“Progressives are committed to passing the strongest possible drug pricing reforms to lower prices for patients and families. We are pleased that the leaked draft plan from Speaker Pelosi contains several important CPC priorities, including a direct negotiation proposal instead of arbitration and action to lower prices for all payers.

“However, we still have serious concerns, as we have not yet seen the actual legislation. The proposal needs to go through regular order and we will be looking to see if it contains the CPC priorities we have previously articulated.

“There are still many questions that this outline leaves unanswered. For example: will the 75% excise tax be imposed once or each year until the company agrees to negotiate; why cap the annual number of negotiated drugs at 250 if the goal is for HHS to negotiate on as many as possible; why not use potential public health benefits along with cost to taxpayers in deciding which drugs will be negotiated; and why not include patents as leverage with pharmaceutical companies as well as an excise tax?

“We hope to work with Speaker Pelosi to address these concerns and bring bold, transformative drug pricing legislation to the House floor. Let’s deliver on our pledge last year with meaningful legislation that actually lowers medicine costs for consumers.”
