Washington, D.C. – Today, the Congressional Progressive Caucus announced the endorsement of H.R. 7120, the Justice in Policing Act, sweeping legislation to confront systemic racial bias in law enforcement.

“For far too long, the epidemic of police brutality has gone unaddressed in this country, while our loved ones, neighbors, and communities have been oppressed, abused, and murdered by those sworn to protect them,” said CPC Co-Chairs Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) and Congressman Mark Pocan (WI-02). “Congress must act. We are pleased to endorse the Justice in Policing Act, which takes critical and long overdue action to address systemic racism in police departments and bring justice to Black communities.”

“We are particularly pleased that this comprehensive legislation includes critical provisions long championed by members of the Progressive Caucus, including ending qualified immunity for police officers, limiting transfers of military-grade equipment to local law enforcement, banning chokeholds, and creating a binding national standard for the use of force,” the co-chairs continued. “While we recognize that this legislation, on its own, will not end institutional racism in this country, it is our hope that this legislation can serve as a guidepost as we continue the essential work of dismantling racist systems and reinvesting in Black communities.”