Washington, D.C. – Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Congressman Mark Pocan (WI-02) and Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) released the following statement on the passage of H.R. 3401, the emergency supplemental appropriations bill:

“Along with families across the country, we are appalled and outraged by the horrific treatment of children in the custody of the federal government. Not only is the Trump Administration keeping children from their families, they have implemented policies that amount to child abuse: denying kids medical care, clean clothes, blankets, toothbrushes, and other basic essentials. This is a moral outrage – and Congress has a responsibility to bring accountability to a lawless Administration and take action immediately.

“In light of these monstrous abuses, the Progressive Caucus worked with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and other members to ensure this supplemental funding bill requires detailed standards of care for all children in custody that cannot be waived. We have also taken critical steps to limit the length of detention for children, provide translators, and facilitate the prompt release of children to family members wherever possible.

“Equally important, the Progressive Caucus insisted upon strong accountability provisions to ensure that if the Administration does not follow the standards laid out in the bill, contracts will be terminated for any unlicensed facilities that fail to protect children. This is essential accountability that will help to ensure we protect children.

“While we support this supplemental, we cannot emphasize sufficiently that these crises were created by the Administration and we have much more to do to truly address the cruel and inhumane treatment of immigrant families by this Administration. We must do far more to address the humanitarian needs at the border and to end the inhumane enforcement practices taken by ICE and CBP. We will continue to stand up strongly and advance proactive, humane, comprehensive immigration policies grounded in justice and dignity.”
