Washington, D.C. – The co-chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Reps. Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ) and Keith Ellison (D-MN), today are introducing a House Resolution that sets aggressive national priorities for combatting climate change. The resolution calls for significant goals of near zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, 50 percent of electricity to be derived from renewable sources by 2030 and a transition to 100 percent renewable energy by 2050.

“As world leaders from more than 190 nations unite in Paris today around the common goal of addressing climate change, it is clear that the United States must lead now or risk being left behind. If we ignore the need for new and innovative energy in the 21st century, those industries and jobs will ultimately develop in the nations that act without hesitation. Our leaders have a responsibility to the American people to encourage job growth in new and developing fields; to modernize our infrastructure in a way that meets the energy demands of the future; and to provide stability and job training to every worker whose livelihood fades as we transition away from fossil fuels.

“The scope of climate change is global, but its impacts are local for the countless people who already face raging floods, extended droughts, heatwaves and rising sea levels. The dangers extreme weather creates – from food shortages to life-threatening storms – are often felt first and hardest among vulnerable communities that lack the means to respond or protect themselves.

“Meeting these challenges requires leadership on a global scale that the United States is uniquely able to provide, but we must find the political will to act. We can combat the most dangerous impacts of climate change and create millions of jobs in the process if we commit to transition to clean, renewable energy and a fair, sustainable economy that supports green jobs, full employment and fair wages. One nation alone cannot solve the problem of climate change. We must do our part and work together with countries around the world to take bold action against this continuing threat.”

Full text of the Congressional Progressive Caucus climate change resolution is available here.

