WASHINGTON, D.C.–Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) released the following statement after the House Appropriations Committee voted to approve the FY 2018 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill yesterday. The bill includes a $1.6 billion border wall fund, increased funding for additional border patrol agents, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers, and immigration detention beds.

“Republicans continue to cater to President Trump’s massive deportation scheme with their latest Homeland Security Appropriations bill that bloats DHS’ funds to more than $44 billion for Fiscal Year 2018. This bill dramatically increases funding for an enforcement-only agenda and further isolates our immigrant communities. Increasing detention beds, Border Patrol agents, and ICE officers sends a clear message: this is only about apprehension, detention, and deportation. The viable path to addressing immigration in this country is not by creating more anxiety or separating families but through comprehensive immigration reform, and we will continue to fight for immigration policies that treat all families with fairness and dignity.”


The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) is the largest caucus within the House Democratic Caucus, with over 70 members standing up for progressive ideals in Washington and throughout the country. Since 1991, the CPC has advocated for progressive policies that prioritize working Americans over corporate interests, fight economic and social inequality, and promote civil liberties. The CPC champions progressive policy solutions like comprehensive immigration reform, a $15 national minimum wage, fair trade, gun violence reform, debt-free college, and making the federal government a Model Employer.

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