Washington–Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, released following statement on the wage theft and worker protections in the National Defense Authorization Act:

“While millions of Americans are struggling to get by and sustain their families, Republicans are trying to make it easier for employers to steal their wages. The idea that Republicans want to allow defense contractors to commit wage theft without repercussions shows once again that they put corporate profits before the American people. Workers deserve to be paid what they’re owed, and companies that do right by their workers shouldn’t have to compete with wage thieves. Why in the world would anyone think differently?"

Background Info: Rep. John Kline introduced the provision blocking implementation of the Fair Pay Safe Workplaces Executive Order in the NDAA markup in the House Armed Services Committee. This Executive Order will make sure all companies with federal contracts are following federal labor laws, like laws that protect against wage theft, ensure workplace safety, and protect workers’ right to organize.

An amendment led by the Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs to strike Rep. Kline’s language was rejected by the Republican led Rules Committee.
