Washington, DC – Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Mark Pocan (WI-02) and Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) released the following statement urging consideration of CPC Vice Chair David Cicilline’s legislation to prohibit any military action in Venezuela without explicit congressional authorization after members of the Progressive Caucus voted to officially endorse the measure:

“We are deeply concerned that the Trump Administration is considering an illegal and unconstitutional military intervention in Venezuela. It’s concerning to us that the hawks in the Trump Administration – including John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, and Elliott Abrams – are threatening to embroil the United States in another ill-advised and poorly-considered war. Therefore, it is up to Congress to act as a check on this presidency – and stop the Trump Administration from engaging in illegal military engagement.

“We urge Congressional leadership to move quickly to consider Congressman David Cicilline’s legislation prohibiting unauthorized military action in Venezuela. A peaceful resolution will only be possible through sustained, regionally led diplomacy—as proposed by Mexico, Uruguay, and the Vatican—not military confrontation.” 
