WASHINGTON — Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, issued the following statement on the passage of another continuing resolution to keep the government open:

“Once again, House Democrats’ unity and commitment to governing defeated Republicans’ cruel, extreme, and unworkable agenda. Republicans were forced again to retreat from their relentless attacks on public education, abortion, the LGBTQ community, climate and more and withdraw their wish list of extreme policies and cuts to vital programs. Democrats have prevented a government shutdown and protected the funding our communities rely on.

“It’s shameful, but not surprising, that the Republican House majority could not scrape together the votes from its own members to keep the government open and protect low-wage federal contractors’ paychecks. Instead of learning from their past failures, House Republicans are still trying to pass legislation — which has no chance of becoming law — that would take teachers out of classrooms, kick poor families off rental assistance, and cut vital investments in low-income communities all so they can criminalize abortion and make it easier for the wealthy to cheat on their taxes.

“We will need to remain vigilant. Republicans may continue trying to force that agenda on the American people, but the CPC is ready. Progressives stand shoulder to shoulder with our Democratic colleagues, and we will never back down in the face of these threats to working families.”