Washington, D.C. – CPC Co-Chairs Rep. Mark Pocan (WI-02) and Rep. Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) released the following statement celebrating today’s historic passage of H.R. 1, the For the People Act, which was endorsed by the CPC:

““Today, House Democrats took a big step to make our government more transparent, accessible, and representative of the people. For far too long, the power of the people has been drowned out by dark money and special interests. H.R. 1 restores access to the ballot box, takes on the corrosive influence of money in politics, and ensures that our elected officials serve their constituents, instead of themselves.

"We are particularly pleased that the final legislation incorporated a wide range of proposals from the Progressive Caucus, including a provision to require the disclosure of business tax returns from the president, vice-president and presidential candidates. We are thankful for Congressman Sarbanes’ hard work and collaboration with House progressives to strengthen this critical bill.

“This legislation returns the power to where it belongs – in the hands of the people. The passage of H.R. 1 is a victory for the American public and our democracy.”


A full list of progressive victories in H.R. 1 is below.

Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs:

• Business Tax Returns: Requires the President, Vice President and candidates for these positions to disclose 10 years of business tax returns.

Rep. Pocan (WI):

• Strengthen Transparency for Lobbying: Requires the creation of a single lobbying information disclosure portal that combines information currently made public by the House of Reps, Senate, and the Department of Justice.

• End Prison Gerrymandering: Ensures that incarcerated persons counted in the census population are counted as residents of correctional facilities and not their most recent residence prior to imprisonment.

• Enhance Election Security: Requires states to ensure that any voting machine used for the purposes of a federal election is manufactured in the United States.

• End Interstate Crosscheck: Ensures that voter rolls cannot be erroneously purged of still-eligible voters due to the interstate voter registration cross-check program.

• Ensure Election Security Through the Paper Ballot: establishes paper-ballot and manual-counting requirements.

Rep. Jayapal (WA):

• Democracy Vouchers: Directs the Federal Election Commission to carry out a voucher pilot program under which individuals may use vouchers to make small dollar contributions to political candidates.

• Divestment: Requires the President and Vice President to divest and disclose their business interests, including the name of every person they are in business with and the assets and liabilities of every business in which they have a significant financial interest. This information is critical to guard against financial conflicts of interest.

• Cosponsored by Rep. Omar (MN) - Foreign Lobbying Ban: Stops lobbyists from receiving compensation for work on behalf of foreign governments with gross human rights violations.

• Apply Ethics Laws to Unpaid Executive Branch Staff: Applies ethics laws, including laws that prohibit employees from participating in matters in which they have a financial interest or from misusing their official positions, to unpaid employees of the Executive Office of the President and the White House.

• Legal Defense Fund: Directs the Office of Government Ethics to close loopholes and eliminate conflicts of interest in legal defense funds like President Trump’s “Patriot Fund.” The regulations would set basic requirements on transparency and ensure that federal employees cannot obtain money from prohibited sources.

• Foreign Agents Registration Act Online Database: Amends the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 to ensure online searchable access to the registration statements filed under this Act.

Rep. Grijalva (AZ):

• Expand the Use of Mail Ballots: Permits individuals who receive a vote-by-mail ballot to cast the ballot on the date of the election by delivering the ballot to a polling place.

Rep. Andy Kim (NJ)

Enhance Democracy and Create Jobs: Requires all paper ballots used in an election for Federal office must be printed in the US on paper manufactured in the US.

Rep. Lawrence (MI):

• Strengthen Conflict-of-Interest Protections: Includes Cabinet members to the list of individuals prohibited from benefiting from an agreement with the U.S. Government.

Rep. Levin (MI):

• Safeguards for Redistricting Commissions: Prohibits violators of the Federal Election Campaign Act from serving on a redistricting commission.

Rep. Trahan (MA):

• Safeguards for Redistricting Commissions: Prohibits agents registered under the Foreign Agents Act from serving on a redistricting commission.

Rep. Lieu (CA):

• End Political Appointees’ Abuse of Taxpayer Dollars: Prohibits political appointees from using federal funds to pay for travel on non-commercial, private, or chartered flights for official business.

Rep. Moore (WA):

• Strengthen Voting Rights for Returning Citizens: Requires voting registration materials to be sent with notification of restoration of rights.

Rep. Neguse (CO):

• Encourage Young Voters to Participate in Our Democracy: Allows 16 and 17-year-olds to pre-register to vote ahead of their 18th birthday.

Rep. Raskin (MD):

• Combat Corporate Influence in Elections: Prevents corporate expenditures for campaign purposes unless the corporation has established a process for determining the political will of its shareholders.