WASHINGTON — Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, released the following statement applauding the Biden Administration's decision to pause approvals of new Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) exports:

“The Administration has taken a critically important step in ensuring we put our planet and the health and well-being of communities across our country and across the world who are affected by the climate crisis first. Today, the President is siding with the science and the climate justice movement and pushing back on Big Oil profits and powerful special interests. While this does not address the existing LNG plants that were already approved, it does make sure that no more are approved as the impacts of these plants on climate and communities are considered. 

“LNG exports by fossil fuel companies exacerbate climate change and pose a major threat to communities already suffering from the worst effects of the climate crisis here and abroad. LNG is primarily methane, which is significantly more potent at accelerating the climate crisis than carbon dioxide. With this decision, the Biden Administration is deepening its commitment to protect our environment and fight back against the devastating effects of climate change. Progressives look forward to continuing to work with them to continue these efforts.”

The Biden Administration’s temporary pause and environmental review is directly responsive to a November demand to overhaul its approach to determining public interest considerations for new LNG licensing from over 60 bicameral lawmakers, more than 40 of whom are Progressive Caucus members, led by CPC Vice Chair Jared Huffman.