Washington, D.C. – Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Reps. Keith Ellison (MN-05) and Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-03), released the following statement applauding President Obama’s call to expand Social Security benefits.  

“We thank President Obama for speaking up on behalf of seniors and people with disabilities by calling for an expansion of Social Security benefits. So many Americans rely on these vital, earned benefits that they have secured through a lifetime of hard work. Still, too many seniors struggle to make ends meet. Expanding benefits and scrapping the payroll tax cap, which prevents the wealthy from paying their fair share, is the responsible way to ensure full Social Security solvency in the long-term while protecting today's seniors. 

“We applaud the president for reaffirming the importance of Social Security, and we believe his statement shows just how important the progressive movement is in shaping the policies that will drive our country forward.”   

The Congressional Progressive Caucus first proposed expanding Social Security benefits in 2011 in its second alternative budget, the “The People’s Budget.”