WASHINGTON—Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) Co-Chairs Reps. Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ) and Keith Ellison (D-MN) released the following statement after the Department of Labor (DOL) announced guidance on President Obama’s Executive Order to increase workplace protections.

“We applaud the Department of Labor for their commitment to workers, who deserve dignity on the job. The guidance released today will allow the federal government to be a leader in the fight for good jobs and hold federal contractors accountable to fair work standards. Taxpayer money should never support companies that exploit their workers. We are happy to see that DOL is taking clear steps to ensure that all federal contract workers are safe on the job and receive the pay they deserve. ”  

The Progressive Caucus has led the fight in calling for better workplace protections since March 2014 when they sent a letter to Department of Labor Secretary Thomas Perez to collect data on contractors that engage in wage theft. Last summer, CPC members successfully attached wage theft amendments to four appropriations bills. The Progressive Caucus has continued to stand with workers calling for an end to wage theft and for increased workplace protections.

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