Washington, D.C. – Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Congressman Mark Pocan (WI-02) and Congreswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) released the following statement celebrating the passage of the Raise the Wage Act:

“Seven years after the Fight for 15 movement began with 200 fast-food workers walking off the job, demanding $15 an hour and a union, Congress has voted to make their call for fair wages into a reality.

“This vote was built on the organizing, activism and leadership of low-wage workers, who put their jobs on the line to fight for dignity in the workplace. Thank you to Congressman Bobby Scott, House Democratic leadership, and above all else, the fearless workers who worked with us day-in and day-out to make this vote possible.

“This historic vote makes it clear that in the richest nation on Earth, there’s no excuse to pay workers a poverty wage. We urge the Senate to listen to the voices of workers and join us in passing a $15 minimum wage for all workers across the country. Every job has dignity and every worker deserves a livable wage.”

The Progressive Caucus has been organizing with Fight for 15 workers since 2013. In the summer of 2015, the CPC Co-Chairs at the time, Congressman Keith Ellison and Congressman Raul Grijalva, introduced the first $15 minimum wage bill in the House, the Pay Workers A Living Wage Act, alongside Senator Bernie Sanders. Congressman Pocan is a lead sponsor of the Raise The Wage Act. Congresswoman Jayapal served on the committee that passed $15 in Seattle, the first major city to do so in the country.
