WASHINGTON — Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and Representative Barbara Lee (CA-13), chair of the Caucus Peace and Security Taskforce, issued the following statement following passage of H.Res. 956, Supporting the People of Ukraine:

“Today, we voted yes on H.Res.956 to stand in solidarity with Ukrainians who are suffering under Russia’s aggression, and to show our support for the courage, bravery, and resilience of the Ukrainian people in the face of Russia’s violent and illegal invasion. 

“Alongside this resolution, we must reaffirm the urgent need for diplomacy and deescalation at this dangerous and unpredictable moment. As President Biden has rightly taken military response off the table, support for diplomacy is the most direct means we have of trying to bring peace to Ukraine in light of continued fighting and mounting harm to Ukrainian civilians.

“The Progressive Caucus has been calling for weeks for a diplomatic solution to this crisis, and we applaud U.S. efforts to rally the international community to condemn Russia’s blatant aggression and secure votes at the UN Security Council and General Assembly. We must continue to press for a rapid, negotiated settlement to prevent additional loss of life. 

“The United States has a singular voice on the world stage, and it is at these moments that we need to be exceptionally thoughtful of how we use it. We must remain committed to alleviating this humanitarian disaster and work relentlessly toward deescalation.”