WASHINGTON — Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, issued the following statement applauding Chair Jessica Rosenworcel’s announcement that the Federal Communications Commission will end Trump-era attacks on net neutrality and reestablish open internet protections:

“Once again, Democrats have a majority of commissioners on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the power to undo the harm caused by the Trump administration. This new Democratic majority has already shown its commitment to democratic values with Chair Rosenworcel’s announcement that the FCC will reinstate the 2015 Open Internet Order.

“That 2015 order enshrined the policy of ‘net neutrality’ into law and prevented large corporate internet service providers from throttling internet speeds, favoring or blocking certain types of online content, or engaging in other types of anti-competitive behavior. The Trump-era decision to overturn those protections left online consumers at the mercy of special and corporate interests and allowed wealthy corporations to consolidate power. Net neutrality is essential to ensuring that internet companies cannot rig access to what has become a fundamental public utility with pay-to-play schemes. 

“Americans deserve a free, open internet. They deserve net neutrality. I hope to see the Commission quickly move to finalize this action and correct the damage of 2017 and protect it for all our communities.”

The Congressional Progressive Caucus was one of the first voices to call for Title II reclassification and strong enforceable net neutrality protections in 2014. The passage of the 2015 Save the Net Act was the culmination of a years-long Congressional campaign spearheaded by the Progressive Caucus in solidarity with activists, organizers, innovators, small business owners, and everyday families.