WASHINGTON — Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, issued the following statement on the hearings of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson for nomination to the Supreme Court:

“At the conclusion of the week of hearings, it could not be clearer why President Biden nominated Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to serve on the Supreme Court, and how deeply deserving she is of confirmation. Her knowledge, breadth of experience, and skill as a jurist were on full display under questioning. Her empathy, passion, and commitment to equal justice under law could not be dimmed, even with shameful attacks thrown at her. In the face of outrageous treatment from Republicans on the committee, she showed what can only be described as judicial temperament.

“But even as America applauds how Judge Jackson endured the hearings with fortitude and grace under fire, it demands to be said: she should not have been subjected to this treatment in the first place. The Republican party — from Senators on the committee, to members of the Caucus, to campaign arms on social media — have used this occasion not to undertake a serious constitutional obligation, but rather to berate, hector, and discredit the first Black woman nominated to the high court. The baseless and frankly racist attacks we have seen in recent days demean the Senate Judiciary Committee and these proceedings, and disparage the nominee to an unacceptable degree.

“Judge Jackson’s treatment will unfortunately be all too familiar to women, especially women of color and particularly Black women. We can recall every moment we’ve experienced what can at best be described as antagonizing and at worst as bullying. But of course, Judge Jackson responded as Black women and women of color will also recognize: with poise and unflappable dignity. I join millions around the country in applauding her nomination, her performance throughout these hearings, and look forward to recognizing her as Justice Jackson.”