Washington, D.C. – Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Congressman Mark Pocan (WI-02) and Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) applauded the inclusion of many key CPC priorities in the Congressional Action Plan from the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis. Earlier this year, the CPC sent a comprehensive list of recommendations to the Select Committee for inclusion in the report.

“For far too long, corporate profits and special interests have been prioritized above the health and safety of our planet and communities. American families are experiencing the consequences of decades of inaction on the climate crisis – from historic wildfires and prolonged droughts to record-breaking storms and once-in-a-century floods,” said CPC Co-Chairs Mark Pocan and Pramila Jayapal. “We do not have any time to waste. The Climate Action Plan from the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis sends a powerful message that the time for transformative change is now, and we are prepared to meet the moment with a bold and comprehensive response.”

The Select Committee’s Climate Action Plan included more than 37 proposals and bills recommended by the Progressive Caucus, including:

  • The Environmental Justice for All Act, which centers environmental justice and redress for frontline communities in climate action efforts.
  • A prohibition on legal immunity for polluters and a requirement that fossil fuel companies will not be able to claim liability relief for contributing to the climate crisis.
  • Workplace rights as a cornerstone of climate justice, including protections for workers organizing a union to negotiate for higher wages, safer working conditions, and better benefits.
  • Ending egregious tax breaks for large oil and gas companies.

“We applaud the work of the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis and appreciate the inclusion of so many of our progressive priorities in the final Congressional Action Plan,” continued Representatives Pocan and Jayapal. “This comprehensive document provides Congress with a critical roadmap for addressing the climate crisis, centering impacted communities in our response, and building a sustainable future for us all.”

A copy of the Progressive Caucus climate recommendations is available here.