Washington, D.C.– Today, Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ) and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) issued a statement condemning President Trump’s appointment of John Bolton as National Security Advisor after the resignation of LTG H.R. McMaster:

“President Trump’s appointment of Iraq War architect John Bolton as National Security Adviser is once again a direct contradiction of his campaign rhetoric where he stated that ‘The war in Iraq was a big, fat mistake’.  Bolton is an unrepentant warmonger who has pushed a regime-change approach to foreign policy that President Trump himself has called ‘a proven failure’.

“Given his track record on manipulating evidence, the American people have reason to fear the nomination of Mr. Bolton, who has championed war with North Korea and Iran. This appointment represents the opposite of national security, and without a doubt one of the most dangerous appointments of this presidency.

“Make no mistake: any effort by Mr. Bolton or the President to launch an unauthorized attack will be met with swift rejection from Congress, which retains the sole constitutional authority to declare war. The American people did not vote for a dictatorship, and we will use our vested power make sure that President Trump and Mr. Bolton comply with the Constitution.”



The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) is the largest caucus within the House Democratic Caucus, with over 70 members standing up for progressive ideals in Washington and throughout the country. Since 1991, the CPC has advocated for progressive policies that prioritize working Americans over corporate interests, fight economic and social inequality, and promote civil liberties. The CPC champions progressive policy solutions like comprehensive immigration reform, a $15 national minimum wage, fair trade, gun violence reform, debt-free college, and making the federal government a Model Employer.



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