Washington, DC – Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) Co-Chairs Reps. Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ) and Keith Ellison (D-MN), and CPC First-Vice Chair Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) today unveiled details of the Progressive Caucus’ budget for fiscal year 2017. The People’s Budget: Prosperity Not Austerity; Invest in America provides major reinvestments in our country through infrastructure, education, and wage growth to increase opportunity for all. The CPC budget commits a $1 trillion in infrastructure spending overall to transform our crumbling roads and bridges into a 21st century network, including billions for water lines nationwide and $765 million specifically for Flint, Michigan, creating jobs and improving economic opportunities in the process.

The People’s Budget stands in stark contrast to Republican efforts to impose austerity policies that harm working Americans and safeguard corporate tax giveaways. This year’s Republican budget proposes cuts to vital programs including education, Medicare, Medicaid, Head Start, Meals on Wheels, and the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

“The People’s Budget reverses harmful austerity cuts and fixes a system that for far too long has only benefited those at the top,” Rep. Pocan said. “The Progressive Caucus Budget rebuilds our crumbling roads and bridges, creates good paying jobs, and increases educational opportunities from pre-kindergarten to college. Our budget invests in the American people and gives working families the best opportunity to get ahead.” 

“The People’s Budget is a true expression of progressive values,” Rep. Grijalva said. “More than numbers and charts, our budget is a path forward for the American people who’ve had their wages flat line and savings erode. It alleviates our overcrowded classrooms where kids struggle to learn, and makes higher education a reality for any student committed to earning a college degree. It ensures profit motives and systemic inequalities have no place in our criminal justice system or our immigration policies. The investments we detail will create jobs, protect the environment and promote growth by requiring the wealthiest among us, corporations and Wall Street to contribute their fair share to our society. While Republicans continue fighting over how much more seniors should sacrifice, The People’s Budget shows that their harmful cuts are a false prophecy for American economic success.”

“It’s time to invest in our country and in working people who simply want to provide for their families,” Rep. Ellison said. “The People’s Budget helps families by creating jobs, improving education, and rebuilding our roads and bridges. We’ve seen what good investments can do in the Twin Cities. After the Green Line Light Rail was completed in 2014, businesses have grown and another $2.5 billion in private investment has poured in along the route.  In cities like Flint, Michigan, we see what happens when governments put cutting costs ahead of people’s health. The state government’s refusal to invest in Flint has resulted in lead exposure for thousands of residents - all because the state government wanted to cut corners. A tragedy like Flint cannot happen again. We can and should make fair investments in America, and The People’s Budget is the best path forward.” 

The full text ofThe People’s Budget can be found here.

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